Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First and foremost definitely felt good to get out of the classroom. Of course you make things as interesting as possible but sometimes that 2 1/2 hours everyday can get kind of tough... I learned a lot about Mclean county and the politics here. Well maybe more about the history than anything but the history definitely serves as a foundation to why politics are the way they are today... Mainly I learned about how mclean county and bloomington got started... First starting with the native americans, then to different migrants like the upland southerners, yankees, Irish, African Americans, and the anitbaptists. I learned a great deal of knowledge about important milestones that occured right here in bloomington such as lincolns lost speech and important court cases that orginated here and were later taken to the supreme court. I learned about significant people that made this town go and I also learned about popular occupations back in the day such as alton railroad manufacturer that actually was one of the largest employers here in mclean for sometime. In addition, I learned how power shifted from small towns that housed railroads and served as connections to the outside world into bloomington normal that held most of the political power following the shift. Honestly, my visit to the museum was relatively circumstantial considering I probably would have never done it on my own. However, I truly enjoyed the experience and now am motivated to do things like this in my hometown. I really haven't been to museums since I was little and am realizing that at this point in my life I would benefit from it the most. Thanks for setting this up for us! It was really a cool experience!

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