Friday, June 12, 2009
My knowledge of government before class was struggling! I mean in history classes I learned about the make up of our government and all that but current politics and the details and all the little areas that are behind the scenes and that make politics go today were foreign to me. I feel like my knowledge has improved immensly and that I atleast have a general, if not detailed, overview of all of American politics from its history to present and whats to come. I also have a much more driven passion to get involved and continue to broaden my knowledge on politics. It is something that I think I have begun to take much more pride in since the beginning of class.
I touched on this earlier and spoke about my beliefs of Bartlett and what he said about our generation. I think that it was definitely a geralization, however, I believe thier to be some truth to it. I think we are lazy and caught up in a lot of areas of life that don't really matter and do not think we are nearly politically involved as we need to be. I do, however, believe that a lot of people in our generation, hence the turnout for the presidential election, are not like this and are extremely passionate about politics.
I can do a lot of things to make my commitment to this country stronger. The most important thing that I can do is start to participate politically and try and be heard. Try to make a difference and fight for what I believe in. If I sit back and allow my ignorance on the way this country is ran continue I will have no medicare, social security, and this country will probably eventually fall to china or another country on the rise. This is what will happen if we all do not become more politically active. We have to continue to hold our government accountable and make them make changes that will prolong America's dynasty!
I thought this class was awesome and it defnitely opened my eyes to so many areas of life that I need to become more involved in. Thank you soooooo much for everything!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Mclean county
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

According to the analysis I would most resemble Ghandi and Nelson Mandela. On the outside that seems pretty respectable but I don't know that I would go that far. I definitely am on the left on a large majority of issues but I also feel like there are a few issues that the right supports that I better identify with. Does that make make this analysis valid??? I don't know hard to say... I am definitely a democrat but I wouldn't say I am the most liberal of democrats.
When I visited each website I saw exactly what I expected. On the democratic website I saw basically about 5 or 6 articles on Obama and an article on sonya sotomayor. Thats about nothing too exciting but everything was pretty much the color blue. On the republican website I noticed that there was a comment saying democrats are advancing their agenda you are now under their scrutiny. I thought that was interesting since they are the party that is kind of supressed they have a reference to the democratic party, whereas, the democratic's website says nothing about the republican party. Besides that nothing else really stood out besides the democratic website is much more detailed and put together from my observations.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
BEN SMITH & JOSH KRAUSHAAR the authors of this article both set a tone of support for Obama's nominee Sonia Sotomayor. Although they definitely included several different quotes from republicans on the opposing side, thier ultimate stance was quite clear. The article speaks about the positive national implications that may come from this nominee. Although in a large portion of the article it refers to how much Obama has pissed republicans off, it seems that he may have touched and won the support of both women and hispanics as well as a wide variety of other liberals.
This article does really touch on her backgroud or merit but it definitely touches on her ideology. It portrays it to be pretty liberal with a huge emphasis and belief of racial identity. It seems as though she has made bold statements in the past arguing that a hispanic woman could make better decisions than a lot of "white males". Although we discussed in class the relatively moderate stance that she has the idea that I got from this article is that she is relatively liberal. The most obvious portion was that that argued how much this nominee will help the democrats and if she was simply moderate it wouldn't make too much of a difference.
I feel that Obama's nominee is definitely a good one and although in class we spoke of her moderate stance in politics I feel that if nothing else a statement on how diverse and far America has come is definitely enough. I feel that this is more important than an extremely liberal judge being added to the Supreme court. This is a huge stride for both women, hispanic people, and our nation as a whole.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Blog #3 (Congress)
Another extremely interesting aspect of Congress that I was completely unaware of is the separtation of certain issues amongst different subcommittees and committees. The way I envisioned it was the house or senate sitting around in a group discussing different bills. In no way is this true. On the website there are a list of several different subcommittees and committees assigned to certain issues. Considering the amount and different types of bills and issues that congress deals with daily this method seems much more efficient.
Overall, I don't really think I would like to be a part of Congress. I think it is definitely way too much responsibility for the amount of compensation received. That is not to say that some people are not so passionate and patriotic that they would like to play a role in decision-making, however, this would not be something I would enjoy. The different issues are so broad and almost repetitive seeing as though it takes so long to simply pass a bill. I'm really glad that I took a look at this website because it definitely opened my eyes to a new perspective on congress. It has caused me to have a great deal of respect for their hard work and broad range of responsibilities, however, I no longer look at the career in the same lime-light that I once did, from a personal standpoint that is.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Blog 2
Neither of these two have been in the news as of late...